A1 PRINT SHOP is a Complete Printing business entity that has evolved from Multi-Trade Advertising Agency 1994-1999 and A1 Advertising & Print Services, which has existed during 1995-2004, then Advantage Gafix & Print Service from 2005-2009 and currently to our new All-in-one operation – A1 PRINT SHOP. |
A1 PRINT SHOP serves you completely from your Idea/Concept to the Finished Products with guaranteed satisfaction. We take pride and are involved with you/your company from the concepts, creative layouts, graphic designs, artwork productions, pre-press productions and print finished products.
A1 Advertising & Print Services provided varied print services to major corporate clients in Guyana, including and exclusively to COURTS-GUYANA INC. from 1995-2002 for all its Printed Stationery. A1 Advertising & Print Services produced and did all their Printed Materials and Press Advertisement-Bookings /Placements for the corresponding period. In addition we also provide high quality services to our customers as well as jobs brokered by other individuals. |
A1 PRINT SHOP's high quality services include Design/Layout and Print finish of the following :- Business Cards, Letterheads, Flyers, Brochures, Newsletters, Magazines, Labels, Envelopes, Posters, Tickets, Compliment Slips, Shelf Talkers, Invitations, Bill Books, Programs, Calendars, Annual Reports, Banners and Laminating. All types of Forms, Pads/Books, and many other variety of Stationery – all customized to suit our Clients/Customers. |